Monday, February 07, 2005


8:30 am - We load up the SUV and take off for Jacksonville.

11:30 a.m. - We arrive just outside Alltel Stadium and find some decent parking ($50) in Parking lot S.
We unpack and head to the stadium, 3 blocks away. We chat with some Pats fans in the parking lot. The Eagle fans look at us with a dry smirk. Moments later, we hear our first of 100's of T.O. chants, followed by "Fly Eagles Fly". UGH!

12:00 p.m. - As we arrive behind the North endzone, we find a bar called "Tailgate Bar and Grille". Its cool. it has a patio deck which, unfortunately, is filled with Eagles fans, It also has a string of tented areas making up an outdorr bar and we later learn that they have an indoor bar around back as well. We hang out for a couple of hours as Lou buys rounds. I'm the designated driver all weekend, so I drink a beer or two, then switch to Diet Pepsi. Here, we hear, first hand, how obnoxious the Eagles fans are as they taunt and laugh at the Pats fans, completely unprovoked. "Thanks for wasting your money (to come down here), the Pats don't have a chance" is the basic consensus of the hoardes of Philly fans. We talk to a number of Pats fans and they feel that the tickets will be scarce and overpriced. We get a couple of inquiries, but the asking price they seek is around $2,500!

2:00 p.m. - Rich Weinreich and I take a walk around the Stadium hunting for tickets. The lowest price we find is $2800 out around Alltel Stadium. (Gulp) We people watch and get razzed by Eagle fans as they laugh at us because we're Pats fans and taunt us with their chants. I have to admit, i kind of like their chants...but I won't let them know it. When they sing the T.O. song, we replace "T.O." with "K.O." or "B.O." We don't see any fights, nor does anyone try to bait us into one. Its razzing by opposing fans, not much more. Although the "attitude" of the Philly fans is that of arogance as they "know" that the Eagles will win and that the Pats don't have a chance! We head to the car to unload some items and we get a call from Lou. He tells us that the Tailgate Bar and Grille has a lounge around back with big TV's but we have to get back because they are only letting in about 120 people. We head back and pay $10 each for a wristband and are told we can come and go. Lou has a couple of tables on table away from a big TV. I do a rough count...85 people in the bar, 7 of which are Patriot fans. Thats about the ratio on the streets so far as well. Lou, Rich and Jack have decided to "camp" here and not try to get tickets. The prices seem to be going up by the minute. Average asking price is around $3,000 to $3,500! I tell the boys that I am still going to make the effort to ge ttickets. Some fans around us laugh and say "You'll never get them for under $1,000! But good luck, dude" I tell them I have to try anyway! I'd even "SELL HOTDOGS" just to get in! Everyone thinks I'm nuts. Persistent, but nuts.

4:15 p.m. I take a walk to get some air. I text message my wife "no luck" with tickets. I think she is happy about that. I stand out on the street in front of the patio bar and lean against a jersey barrier. I dub the patio bar at the Tailgate Bar and Grille, "The Eagles Nest" in my head because it is overflowing with drunken, rowdy Eagles fans. The streets are full of Eagle fans as well. Since we went inside, the swarm has grown and the ratio has doubled, no, tripled in this area. At least 30-1. Some fool in a Hummer, advertising something or other, comes by with bags of mini nerf-type footballs. Suddenly, it is dangerous to be a Patriots fan out here. The Eagles fans toss up footballs to their drunken brethren on the patio balcony . As Patriot fans waltz down the middle of the street, the sickos fire the footballs at the unsuspecting fans, then laugh and whoop it up. It seems like they
really suck at this, but are laughing it up and cursing the Pats fans as the footballs soar over their heads. I am bored, so I decide to keep a "scorecard" on the would-be Eagle Monday Quarterbacks. The first 8 footballs thrown all hit Eagle fans rather than Pats fans. I am laughing now. I guess they noticed. One ball comes whizzing at me, but skids on the road to my left. I see that 2 eggheads are giggling and pointing at me. I had been standing here for 30 minutes undetected, but now, they
have me in their sights. Ok, I am going to toy with them. I pretend to not pay attention, as if looking down the street for someone. It doesn't take long. Arm cocked, the fat Eagles fan in the Heavy Metal T-Shirt gets ready to fire away as I spy him out of the cornerof my eye. He fires and I turn and coolly snatch the football with one hand, behind my back I look at the ball, look at the culprit, then proceed to spike the ball with a vengence. I get a good chuckle out of a couple of 20 something year old Eagle fans next to me. They think that was cool! They laugh at the "goober" as they called him, that threw the ball at me. I retrieve the ball and give it to a young Pats fan. They don't throw it at me anymore. To myself, I name this place, The "GAUNTLET". After another 30 mintes I get really bored. The score? Well, my rough count was, "Balls thrown = 135", "Pats fans hit = 7" I hope Donovan McNabb has a better day or the Eagles will be in trouble early! I leave the gauntlet and walk around a little more. I ask around about tickets in a couple of lots. I only ask Pats fans. I'm not that nuts. The prices are about $3,000 and up still. I leave my number with a couple of groups in case they hear of anyone who decides not to go at the last second. Still, no one thinks I have a shot, but as I say, sometimes its just "BEING AT THE RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT TIME!"

5:30 p.m. Back in the Tailgate Bar & Grille, I find Lou has "befriended" some Eagles fans and he's buying rounds left and right. They seem to be less hostile when you buy them drinks. Some of them anyway. We endured a few more "T.O." and "Fly Eagles Fly" chants when one big, obnoxious Philly fan, practicalls stands on the bar and yells, "What kind of team are you, you guys don't even have a chant!" Well, enough's enough and I stood up and roared back, "WE DON'T NEED A STINKIN' CHANT, WE JUST WIN CHAMPIONSHIPS!" To which I was was met with a thunderous applause from the other 7 or 8 Pats fans, only to be drowned out by a chorus of Boos from the Eagles fans. It was good natured ribbing! I felt like one of those WWF (WWE) Wrestlers who get roundly booed, but must be thinking deep down, if these birds only knew the truth.

6:05 p.m. Time to head back out in search of tickets. I bid adiue to Lou and company and tell them to meet me in the bar after the game if I am not back by halftime. The game plan was to try to get tickets right at game time and if I had no luck, wait until the end of the 1st quarter in hopes that prices would drop below $1,000. I slowly walked around with a "NEED 1 TICKET" sign inside of the "ticket holder" that I had bought. I was also smart enough to print a bright sign from home which helped catch people'seye. Unfortunately, all I got was laughs when I was asked how much I would pay. Anything under $1,000 was a joke to them. "Hey buddy, tickets are 4 grand and up. Wake up!" one guy yelled at me. Still, I was determined to keep trying. Maybe I'd bump into someone I knew who had to get rid of one or maybe I'd bump into a sympathetic Pats fan who was willing to discount a ticket because I was a Pats fan. Or maybe someone who didn't "need" the money but who had a friend who bailed out in the last second. Who knows. First I saw an old time Bomber fly by flanked by 2 WWII era fighter planes. The engines had a distinctive hum and reminded me of the movie, "Midway" I was about one quarter of the way around the stadium. I would have to stop halfway, at the South Endzone because of the configuration of the stadium to the streets. Moments later, the flyover jets roared overhead. The game was about to begin. I trudged along, holding up one finger, hoping amongst all hope that I'd get lucky. The scalpers were nearly all gone. There were thousands of people with signs or fingers in the air but not many people selling. A guy walked by and told me his buddy couldn't make it and he was heading much would I pay for his ticket? I told him $700, he hesitated...I thought I had him. Just then, an Eagles fan swooped in and said that he'd pay $1,500 and the guy took him up on it. %^&+%#!!!

6:30 p.m. As the huge bomber flew overhead, accompanied by 2 WWII age fighter planes. It gave me goose bumps. The sound reminded me of the movie "Midway" or even the latest movie, "Pearl Harbor". I hear the crowd roar, jumbled singing, then the 4 jets flew over and roared through the crisp Jacksonville air. Damn! Its gametime and no ticket! I step up my efforts. I hold up my one finger high and plead, "Need one, I need one!" To no avail. I finally reach the South entrance to the Stadium, which is the opposite endzone from where my buddies are hanging out at the Tailgate Bar & Grille. I walk back and forth amongst the hundreds of fans, maybe 1000's, scrambling for tickets. I really need to get lucky, because the guy next to me tells a scalper he'll pay $2,200 for one ticket. I've got $700. I try to find a spot where I can see the Jumbotron in the North endzone so I can watch some of the game while I hold up my finger and continue to plead for tickets. Just behind me, the street is separated down the middle by jersey barriers to keep the pedestrians on one side and allow the traffic to flow on the other side. I carefully climb up on top of one and now I can see a little more than 1/2 of the Jumbotron. The upper half. I just missed the kickoff, I gathered. The Patriots were going to get the ball as the Eagles had to punt. Just then, I feel a tug on the back of my fleece Patriots jacket. I immediately figure that its a policeman, who is going to ask me get down off the jersey barrier, for safety sake. It is not. Its a young man, about 25 year's old, with short black curly hair. He is wearing a teal polo shirt, with the Super Bowl Logo embroidered onto the left breast and he has a lanyard around his neck. 'Security?' I think to myself. "Hey, how much are you paying for tickets?" he asks me. "I have a little more than $700 on me," I say, not too hopeful. "I can get you in for that. I work here, but I have to leave to tend bar at the Landing. Deal?" My eyes must have popped
and I know my heart raced a million miles an hour. 'Right place, right time' I grinned to myself in disbelief. "Lets go over here," I said, pointing across the street to a parking lot. We walked across and ducked behind a row of bushes. "Ok," he started, all you have to do is go right to the media gate over there (pointing) and walk right in. People are walking in and out like nothing, but they'll just verify your pass, then patyou down and you're home free. I worked the Hospitality tent just inside
the South Endzone area, so you can go there and eat, if you want or just go watch the game. Just hide your shirt and ID once you go watch the game." He takes off his shirt and Lanyard with his Media Gate pass on it and I hide my Patriots hat, take off my beads and take off my Patriots fleece and Patriots sweatshirt. Don't want to look too much like a fan to avoid suspicion. I wrap my sweatshirt, logo in, around my waste. I stuff the beads in the pocket of my fleece. I also have 2 mini
nerf footballs that I give up willingly to this bartender. I throw on his Medium shirt...yea, I suck in my gut and squeeze it on. I drape my fleece around my back as if I am holding it there for use later that night. The Lanyard completes the deal and I hand over the money. He agrees to walk over to make sure I get in. I tell him that if its unsuccessful, I'll still give him $100 for the effort. He laughs and tells me I'll have no problem getting in, besides, he says I look like an everyday guy rather than a
desparate fan, so they will barely look twice at me. I'm a bundle of nerves as we walk towards the gate, but I take a breath knowing that I have to look calm and collected as if I "Belong" here. We're at the Media Gate...

6:45 p.m. I decided to have my keys in my hand, as if I just went to my car (to get my jacket, presumably). I figure that if anyone wondered where I came from, why I left the stadium, the keys would be a subconscious clue. The lady at the gate, was sitting down on a stool, slumped lazily against a fence and seemed like she couldn't have been bothered to even check my credentials. She took a look, scanned it and smiled and said, "my its gettin' chilly, ain't it?" I smiled and tugged at my fleece around my back and neck as if to say, 'yea, thats why I got this, m'am.' The bartender, who I never got his name, unfortunately, was standing about 10 feet away and as he turned away, he gave me a nod and a thumbs up. 'Thanks buddy' I thought as I acknowledged him with a little nod. But there was more. I walked 20 feet and there stood 4 National Guardsman holding M-16's and 2 policemen. First the policemen scanned me by hand and moved me a long to the M-16 crew. One of them frisked me and asked if I had a phone. I took it off and told them I had a camera too, before they searched and found it anyway. They smiled and sent me over to a lady who operated a scanning booth, like the one's in the airport. 'C'mon' I thought, lets get this over with. My heart raced. I was concocting a story in case they asked me why someone who worked concessions would need a camera. 'I hoped to break free and tqake some pictures later,' i would tell them if asked. The lady at the X-Ray machine told me to just go through. Suddenly a shout, "HEY, HALT!" 'Damn' I got caught. One of the Guardsman rushed over and told the lady to do her job as she was trained. "But he was already in earlier," she said. "I checked him already!" ('You did?', I laughed to myself, 'Thanks, lady, you just secured my entry!') "Yea, but ya still need to scan his items again, like you were trained!" he scolded her. "Sorry," I said as I put the items on the conveyor belt. They bickered as I picked up my items and headed off to look for a primo spot to watch the game. I WAS IN!

Wow! I was at the SUPER BOWL! I immediately went up to the 2nd tier and found a sweet standing room spot in the corner of the Patriots (South) Endzone. There were 7 or 8 Eagles fans camped there, but I squeezed in and got a primo spot. The Eagles had just gotten the ball for their 2nd drive when I settled in. I called Lou and friends and told him I got in. They didn't believe me. When I told them HOW I got in, on a Concession ID, he flipped out. "Get the $%# out? You got in on a concession ID? You're sh$%^#& me? You're not selling hotdogs, are you" he asked in jest. "You are my hero!" he mused. Lou, who everyone down here seems to know like Norm from the show "Cheers", was flabbergasted that I got in.

The first quarter was scoreless, but early in the 2nd quarter, the Eagles scored to take a 7-0 lead.
McNabb hit Smith on a 6 yard pass to send the Eagles fans into a loud chorus of "T-O, T-O, T-O, T-O..." and "Fly Eagles Fly!" Ugh, the pain of it all!

The Patriots started the next drive at their 13, but their offense came to life and they marched down the field to the Eagles 4 yard line. But on 2nd down, Tom Brady fell on a fumble but he was stripped of it in the pile and the Eagles took over. After a quick 3 and out, the Patriots drove down the field again, but this time Brady sat in the pocket, surveying the field, before finding Givens in the right corner of the endzone to tie the score.

I scurried down to section 228 to visit a friend, Larry Z, who had nice seats near the North Endzone corner (where Givens caught the TD pass.) We chat and listen to Paul McCartney as he belts out some of his all-time greats hits. Wow, I am now watching a former Beatle sing! How cool!
I head back and stop at an Outback Steakhouse booth. The server tells me that all of the Outbacks are out of food. Great planning. I'm starving, but I rush back to my "spot" to secure my front row standing location for the 2nd half!

The Patriots got the ball first in the second half and promptly marched 69 yards in 9 plays to take a 14-7 lead. Tom Brady hit Mike Vrabel on a short pass for Vrabels 5th catch of his career, all touchdowns and 2 of them, in Super Bowls. How efficient! The Eagles fans are grunbling and the Pats fans are getting louder and louder. Though there are less of us, we make nearly as much noise as the Eagles fans.

14-14, boo!
After each team had short drives end in punts, the Eagles took the subsequent drive down the field as McNabb picked on Randall Gay for 3 or 4 completions, capped off by a 10 yard TD strike to Westbrook to tie the score. The Eagle fans go through their chants, but I notice that they are not quite as lod as before.
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